Hornsby & Halo

Hornsby’s a demon, Halo’s an angel…and their families swapped ’em to keep peace between Heaven and Hell. What could possibly go wrong when puberty hits?!
How do you keep the cosmic peace between Heaven and Hell all within the confines of a small town called Warwick in upstate New York?
Easy—If you’re a leader on each side of the opposing forces of angels and demons, you broker a deal that trades Zachary Halo, an angel child to a demon family, and Rose Hornsby, a demon child to an angel family and cross your fingers that an everlasting truce takes hold and the balance of power remains stable in a good ol’ mutually assured destruction kinda way!
It’s Nature versus Nurture, as the age old battle of Good and Evil is as simple as who speaks louder: the angel on Rose’s shoulder, or the demon on Halo’s shoulder as the turbulence of adolescence comes crashing down on two teenagers who have no idea just who, and what they truly are…yet.