Rook: Exodus

Rook settled on Exodus for a new life, but now he’s a lone avian Warden on the dying planet with one burning question to face: Fight or flight?

Hundreds of years from now, the man known as Rook was once a simple farmer who fled the crumbling Earth for a new life on the planet Exodus, a terraformed planet in a distant galaxy where all of nature, including its imported animal population, was completely controlled by humans called Wardens.
But when Exodus’s world engine failed, the Wardens’ power fell into the wrong hands, creating chaos and mass evacuation—for those who could afford it. Exodus’ creators left it behind and never looked back: The corporation that terraformed Exodus has gone dark, and all hope of rescue or salvation for the remaining survivors has been lost.
The last people left on Exodus, such as Rook, a handful of other Wardens, and scores of innocents, must scavenge for the means to escape as the war for control of what’s left of Exodus’ resources rages all around them.
Tired of witnessing his adopted new home decay around him, Rook looks to make a last, desperate attempt to build an escape vessel to free himself from the wild shackles of Exodus along with his ally and fellow Warden, Swine. With a world falling apart, nature gone wild, and war erupting all around them, can Rook and his motley band of survivors escape from Exodus…or will they all die trying?!